Cyclical Nature of Things

 It took me a while to come up with a concept that strayed away from what I consider cliché, like life and death, and I came up with a couple of ideas to start off with. My first composition displays the inevitable loss of childhood we all experience as we age. My concept is that our childhood memories eventually start to dissolve and we can't remember exactly everything as it was when we viewed the world through young eyes.

 My second picture is considerably more lighthearted. The composition shows a bridge branching out into the sky that signifies infinite opportunities that life gives us. In the sky is an antique light fixture with plants and a mini sculpture of a woman inside it that I found in my great grandfather's house years ago. I thought it looked cool in the sky and I feel that it can represent new beginnings since that object has not been admired in so long yet I am admiring it now. I am still working on this one so I might tweak some things before I call it finished. 


  1. I like the idea behind your first image, but am more aesthetically attracted to your second image. Perhaps a blend of the style of the second work with the imagery and idea of the first work would be a good middle ground?

  2. Its beautiful the way these images fit so well together. This image is very centered- have you tried playing with composition?

  3. I love the second image! I think it is really visually interesting and quite thought provoking. I the new beginnings idea is a really cool concept and one I would love to see explored more. think the center aligned composition works for this second image since the bridge is leading the viewer to the statue and is thus a more realistic perspective but you could play around with adding more variety in the space around it to separate it from a more symmetric image.

  4. I love the other elements of nostalgia you brought in to these scenarios. It really feels like I'm in a dreamscape when I look at them.

  5. Wow! Both images convey such strong feelings and the concepts are astounding. I agree with Catherine in that these images actually work so well together! But I think that the second image works well being centered, and I like the use of perspective :)

  6. Molly, these are so professional! They are both so different and I love both of them so much. Your composition skills are amazing! They both seem to tell a story. The doll scene really gives off a narative vibe. In this one, I think the doll and hot air balloons really help push your concept. The doll's "body language", (almost sounds creepy to say but don't know what else to say) is quite sad and gives the feeling of longing for something. Your bridge piece captured my eye from the start. The perspective is very captivating and I love having the background info about your grandfather! Can't wait to see your next moves with them!
    - Julia


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