It took me a while to come up with a concept that strayed away from what I consider cliché, like life and death, and I came up with a couple of ideas to start off with. My first composition displays the inevitable loss of childhood we all experience as we age. My concept is that our childhood memories eventually start to dissolve and we can't remember exactly everything as it was when we viewed the world through young eyes. My second picture is considerably more lighthearted. The composition shows a bridge branching out into the sky that signifies infinite opportunities that life gives us. In the sky is an antique light fixture with plants and a mini sculpture of a woman inside it that I found in my great grandfather's house years ago. I thought it looked cool in the sky and I feel that it can represent new beginnings since that object has not been admired in so long yet I am admiring it now. I am still working on this one so I might tweak some things before I call it finish...
I messed around with my ideas and decided I wanted to do a composition consisting of a metaphorical metamorphosis of despair to happiness. I liked the idea of growth like a flower blooming and evolved the concept from there. Heres my first concept picture:
I decided to use my floor lamp as my inspiration for this project. I have an idea of what I want for it such as making the lamp's glass part with the lightbulb inside a sort of UFO in the sky. It will be hovering over a hill and beaming down on a cow, taking it up into the sky. The shape of the lamp reminded me of a flying saucer and the angle that it's at looks like it could have a beam coming from the lightbulb. I decided that the pictures of the lamp while on were not the best choices, so I chose the best picture of it off and traced the lamp. My idea was to make my lamp into a UFO in the sky abducted and beaming up a cow, I have found several pictures I will consider turning into this concept. I wanted a landscape with cows in it (obviously), and a floating cow that I will put in the beam of the UFO. I also found a couple of images of cows that I wanted to combine with the landscape and the UFO lamp. I chose pictures of cows jumping so the cow in the sky doe...
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